What happens if a paper does not meet the format (guides for authors) of the journal ?

The manuscript will be sent back to the corresponding author for proper formation and resubmission. 

How do authors communicate (to pursue the reviewing process, revision, ...) with journal ?

The corresponding author is the link between the journal and authors; he is the authorized person to pursue the reviewing process or apply for changes/corrections of the paper.

What happens if the manuscript doesn't fit within the scope of journal?

The authors should check the “aims and scope “of the journal before submission. The editor-in chief after examining the manuscript, if found the paper out of the scope of journal, will shortly inform the corresponding author within 3-4 days.

How long does it take from submission to first decision by journal?

The policy of this journal is to provide authors with a quick decision. In most cases, the first decision is made within 4-6 weeks.

How and when the authors can withdraw a submitted ( but not published) paper?

Withdrawal of paper is allowed at any time only before final acceptance of paper, by an official request of the corresponding author.

How to pay publication fee for the Journal of Applied Research in Plant Protection?

There is no charge for article processing; however, there will be a publication fee for accepted articles which must be paid by authors.