Detection and Molecular Characterization of Apple Dimple Fruit Viroid in Apple Trees in Maragheh Area

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh.


During years 2016-2017 surveys in apple orchards of Maragheh region, 73 samples of Gala and Red delicious cultivars with symptoms resembling to those caused by Apple dimple fruit viroid (ADFVd) were collected and subjected to two-step RT-PCR. Total RNA from stem bark and leaves of symptomatic plants showing dimple fruit and irregular yellow spots on fruit was extracted and full-length 306-307 base pairs genome of the isolates were amplified by using specific primer pairs. Ten amplicons with expected size were directly sequenced on both strands. Blast analysis and multiple sequence alignment of the sequences with those full-length ADFVd sequences deposited in GenBank, showed identities ranging from 74.4-100%. Iranian ADFVd isolates had the highest and lowest identity with two Italian isolates, accession Nos. EF088662 and KF788291, respectively. The region between CCR and TR domains was the most divergent. In phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood method, all Iranian isolates were clustered together with the Italian isolates and variants.


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