Identification of New Sources of Resistance to Zymoseptoria tritici Blotch in Genotypes of Spring Bread Wheat

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph. D. Student of Plant Pathology Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural, Zabol University.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of agricultural, Zabol university.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Production, Gonbad Kavoos University


Use of resistant cultivars is an effective way to manage Zymoseptoria tritici blotch. This study was performed to identify new sources of resistance to among 135 wheat genotypes. Genotypes were cultivated in the Augment design and at the research field of Aliabad Katoul Agricultural high school. Artificial contamination of genotypes was done by spreading infected leaves and inoculating with pathogenic fungal spore suspension. The notes were taken five times, seven days apart. Cluster analysis categorized genotypes into four groups. Genotypes 51, 68, 79 (Shiraz), 85, 87, 89, 97, 110, 115 (Narin), 116, 123 (Mehregan) and 130 were classified in group three (resistant). This group had the lowest area under disease progress curve and showed high resistance to disease. Little frequency of genotypes in two susceptible (four) and resistant (three) groups showed that this trait was controlled by several genes with additive epistasis. Therefore, gene pyramiding and selection in early generations can be effective. Resistance genotypes identified in this study can be used in breeding programs for the pyramiding of resistance genes or backcross methods.


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Identification of New Sources of Resistance to Zymoseptoria tritici Blotch in