The Journal of Applied Research in Plant Protection (J Appl Res Plant Prot) provides open access to its content in principle making research freely available to the public supports a better global exchange of knowledge. Full-text access to scientific articles of the journal is presented on the official website in the journal Archives section. 

Journal information:

Journal of Applied Research in Plant Protection is a scientific-research journal published by Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, since 1991

Editor in chief: Prof. dr. Mahdi Arzanlou

Publisher: University of Tabriz

Frequency: Quarterly  

Language: Farsi-English

Types of articles: Full research paper, short article, scientific reports and review papers

Aims and scope: Covering all areas of plant protection including plant pathology (virology, bacteriology, mycology, applied nematology and related topics), agricultural entomology, pest and disease management, pesticides and weed control

Time to first decision: 4-6 weeks

Acceptance rate: Up to 50 percent (on average)

Peer-review process: Double-blind peer-review 

Indexing and Abstracting: Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC); Google Scholar; Scientific Information Database of Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research Persian (SID); LinkedIn; MagIran

 Publication ethics: This journal checks the originality of the work and the similarity of the contexts of manuscript with other published works (plagiarism) using the Cross check database such as Ithenticate and some Persian plagiarism detection tools (Samime Noor)

Publication fee: Authors of accepted papers are required to pay an article processing charge 4,000,000 Iranian Rial, for full research papers; 2,000,000 Iranian Rial for short articles and no publication charge for short scientific reports 

© Copyright & licensing: open access under the CC BY NC license (  Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions. 

Visiting address and postal address: Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, 29th Bahman Boulevard, Tabriz, P.O. Box 5166614766, Iran

Journal homepage:

Contact information:

Phone: +98 (251) 36378732(Saturday till Wednesday; 8pm-12pm)







Journal of Applied Research in Plant Protection provides instant open access to its content and makes research information available to readers at no cost. based on CC BY NC License You are free to:Share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) Adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) but You may not use the material for commercial purposes.


About the Journal | Journal of Sustainable Technology and Applied Science  (JSTAS)



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Journal of Applied Research in Plant Protection allows author(s) to hold copyright and also retain publishing rights without restrictions.


Current Issue: Volume 13, Issue 2, July 2024, Pages 111-220 

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