Population Fluctuations and Integrated Pest Management of the Metallic Wood-Boring Beetle, Melanophila picta (Col., Buprestidae) on the Willow Tree in Shahed University Campus

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc. Student of Entomology, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Shahed University, Tehran.

2 Associate Prof., Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Shahed University, Tehran.


The most important pest of weeping willow trees in landscape of Tehran are wood borers that cause damage to branches or tree. In this research, integrated pest management of the metallic wood-boring beetle, Melanophila picta Pall. (Col., Buprestidae) on Babylon weeping willow trees in the campus of Shahed University campus was studied during year 2016. A Randomized Complete Block Designs (RCBD) was adopted to evaluate effect of seven treatments chemical, mechanical, cultural and three replications, in regarding of number of ooze out of the tree trunk (in September) and the death rate of the trees (during autumn). Based on adult emergence holes, first emergence of the adult insects occured in early May and at during May to late May it reached to peak. The effect of different treatments on the wood borers showed a significant difference between them. Comparison of means showed that spraying the trunks and branches with 1500 ppm Chlorpyriphos plus 2000 ppm Volk oil, applying of super absorbent polymer, combined treatment (spraying and super absorbent) and repellent getaway were in one group with no tree was died. Mortality followed by control with more than 18 percent mortality. Also, results showed that getaway repellent, mesh fabric and Vienna humic acid fertilizer were similar in preventing oviposition of poplar borer beetle while oozing was significantly higher in control. So, spraying the trunk at adult emergence (June) or using repellent substances or avoiding water stress of the plant, have effective role in preventing damage.


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